Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an essential part of Vocational Education and Training (VET) all over Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the need to find alternative ways to keep work-based learning processes
alive when it is not feasible to meet in person. The training programme and the digital toolbox are designed to serve WBL mentors well and equip them not only with necessary knowledge, skills, and competences to train
their learners digitally, but also with suitable tools they can easily access and apply in their daily work
Resource type: training resource
Provider: Verein Auxilium
Country: Austria
Relevant for: VET Teachers, tutors, companies
Languages: EN, DE, ES, SK
Collection of Webinars addressing issues of school digitisation including good practice descriptions, basic and advanced use of tools and applications. Free viewing.
Resource type: resource database
Provider: INDIRE
Country: Italy
Relevant for: VET Teachers
Languages: IT
Text produced by expert Franco Trentin published by Franco Angeli and downloadable free of charge in pdf format for teachers in particular to use the digital teaching practices initiated in the COVID period in a systemic manner
Resource type: resource
Provider: Franco Angeli Editori
Country: Italy
Relevant for: VET Teachers
Languages: IT
Texts and MOOCs for use by teachers so that they can manage a class group composed of face-to-face and distance learners as functionally as possible
Resource type: resource
Provider: Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR e Fondazione TIM
Country: Italy
Relevant for: VET Teachers
Languages: IT
Database of resources, methodological insights and free digital training proposals selected nationally and internationally by CNR and Indire for use by teachers for digital training purposes.
Resource type: resource database
Provider: Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche del CNR e Indire
Country: Italy
Relevant for: VET Teachers
Languages: IT
Capacity building programme for HE educators for creation and roll-out of digital education.
Resource type: resource and inspirational story
Provider: Co-founded by the E+ Programme
Country: transnational
Relevant for: VET Teachers
Languages: EN
A community of practice and international support network for techers and educators in the STEM field: a platform for exchange of resources, good practices and outreach opportunities in general
Resource type: resource and inspirational story
Provider: Co-founded by the Horizon 2020 programme
Country: transnational
Relevant for: Teachers and educators in the STEM field, including policy makers and other STKHs of relevance operating in this specific filed
Languages: 23 languages
The European Distance and E-Learning Network exists to share knowledge and improve understanding amongst professionals in distance and e-learning and to promote policy and practice across the whole of Europe and beyond.
Resource type: best practice
Provider: Co-founded by the E+ Programme
Country: transnational
Relevant for: Professionals from all fields of education and lifelong learning
Languages: EN
Official follow up of the Up2U project, the UP2DigiSchool provide for leanirng scenario repository, e-learning platform and guidelines to support secodary school teachers in deploying digital education
Resource type: resource and inspirational story
Provider: Co-founded by the E+ Programme
Country: transnational
Relevant for: Teachers and educators, woth specific reference to secondary school teachers Teachers/Companies
Languages: EN/all EU languages
A digital education and training framework readapted from DigComp by the norwegian centre for ICT education and aimed at strenghtening teachers and educators' proficiency in IT and digital tecnologies for improving the quality of digital education
Resource type: education and training framework
Provider: Norwegian centre for ICT education
Country: Norway
Relevant for: Teachers and educators
Languages: EN
Self-assessment tool inspired by DigComp to sustain teachers in better mapping and identyfing training areas of interest and skills-lag
Resource type: self-assessment tool
Provider: Center for digital dannelse
Country: Denmark
Relevant for: Teachers and educators
Languages: EN/DK
The tool allows users to self-assess the level of skills and attitude they have towards digitalisation. The filling of the SAT takes approx. 10 mins and benchmark results with 5 typical and "standard" profiles.
Resource type: self-assessment tool
Provider: SMARTIVE
Country: Italy
Relevant for: Teachers and educators, organisations as a whole
Languages: EN/IT
Integrated digital teaching and digital transition training for school staff
Resource type: Investment and national development project
Provider: PNRR (National plan for recovery and resilience)
Country: Italy
Relevant for: Teachers and educators, organisations as a whole
Languages: EN/IT
Digital products and services for the empowerment, capacity building and qualification of trainers and educators
Resource type: education and training framework
Provider: ESF
Country: Italy
Relevant for: Teachers and educators
Languages: IT
Work-Based Learning (WBL) is an essential part of Vocational Education and Training (VET) all over Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated the need to find alternative ways to keep work-based learning processes
alive when it is not feasible to meet in person. The training programme and the digital toolbox are designed to serve WBL mentors well and equip them not only with necessary knowledge, skills, and competences to train
their learners digitally, but also with suitable tools they can easily access and apply in their daily work
Resource type: toolbox and training
Provider: Verein Auxilium
Country: Austria
Relevant for: VET Teachers, Companies
Languages: EN/DE/ES/SL
"Choose your way!" platform is the information portal for all students, teachers and company representatives who are interested in pursuing a route in vocational and technical education, as well as in developing an education and practical training option aimed at easier integration of future graduates in a changing labour market.
Here you will find all the information you need to keep up to date with the latest vocational education offer, the latest news in the field, the latest regulations issued by the Ministry of National Education, everything you need to know about qualifications and all the documents needed by students (enrolment forms, practical training contracts, etc.), teachers (curricula) and companies. For most of the qualifications you will also find a selection of digital teaching and learning resources.
In order to increase the importance given to the direct link with the labour market, this portal is also an important tool for companies wishing to become partners in the vocational and technical education route, which are thus able to be directly involved in the training of students, from the selection stage to the assessment and organisation of the professional certification exam.
Resource type: resource database
Provider: CNDIPT
Country: Romania
Relevant for: VET students, teachers, organizations, companies
Languages: RO
The interactive map is based on official datasets and illustrates:
• all the technological high schools and vocational schools in the country, their location and contact details, as well as the number of students in training for each qualification;
• the distribution of firms in the country, with details of the total number of employees and the main field of activity
• The results can also be filtered according to multiple criteria, and searches and filters can be shared via a single link or a screenshot. The application also allows you to preview and download reports at national, county or local level. With all these functionalities and modules, the map provides a quick overview on the distribution of vocational students and firms and allows to identify areas for improvement.
Resource type: Interactive resource/database/best practice
Provider: CivicNet, Ministry of Education, OMV Petrom
Country: Romania
Relevant for: VET students, teachers, organizations, companies
Languages: RO
Example of video learning resources for VET students created by a host company in partnership with a VET school.
Resource type: best practice
Provider: Liceul Tehnologic Vernești
Country: Romania
Relevant for: VET Teachers, tutors, students, companies, organizations
Languages: RO
Interactive digital resource database relevant for the field of VET
Resource type: resource database
Provider: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Country: N/A, EU-level resource
Relevant for: VET Policy makers/VET Management/VET Teachers/Companies
Languages: EN/all EU languages
Europe's online platform for school education. The place to engage with European policy and practice for school education, including Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) and Vocational Education and Training (VET).
Resource type: large-scale resource database
Provider: Erasmus
Country: N/A
Relevant for: VET Teachers, tutors, students
Languages: All EU
The platform of the Regional Center for Education and Development with several Workshops of Vocational Education and Vocational Counselling and trainings
Resource type: resource database
Provider: Curator of education of Opole
Country: Poland
Relevant for: VET teachers and students
Languages: PL
The technical school in Węgorzewo was awarded in both the National and Voivodship Ranking of the Best Technicians, receiving the quality mark and the title of Silver School 2022. The high position in the ranking this year and in previous years confirms the high level of education at the school. It is worth noting that the technical school can already boast two silver and three bronze shields. Behind our success is the cooperation of the teaching staff, ambitious students, parents and local educational and local authorities who care about good working conditions of their schools. Despite the pandemic, once again this technical school has shown that hard work brings measurable results.
Resource type: success story
Provider: Perspektywy
Country: Poland
Relevant for: VET Teachers, tutors, students, companies, organizations
Languages: PL
As part of the Erasmus+ Program, KA120-VET - Erasmus Accreditation in the Vocational Education and Training Sector, in the school year 2022/2023, internships abroad for 12 students of technical high school (from Czestochowa), catering and hotel faculties, and vocational courses for 3 teachers of vocational subjects will be organized in Rimini, Italy
Resource type: best practice
Provider: Erasmus+ KA120-VET
Country: Poland / Italy
Relevant for: VET students and teachers
Languages: PL
Vocational traineeships (VET). The possibility, for students attending a technical school or planning to enroll in a VET program, to work in another country for up to one year. The objective is vocational training in another country, which is aimed at equipping students with knowledge, information, skills and/or competences desired on the labor market - in relation to particular occupations.
Resource type: resource
Provider: The European Youth Forum (EFM) is an independent non-governmental organisation. Operating since 1995 at the local, regional, national and international level
Country: Poland
Relevant for: VET students
Languages: EN/PL
8 training modules in total inspired by best practices across Europe (see ICT and LMI in Lifelong Guidance Case Studies*) to address some of the challenges facing managers and guidance practitioners in implementing strategies and implementation plans for digital education.
Resource type: resource database
Provider: European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (CEDEFOP)
Country: N/A, EU-level resource
Relevant for: managers of guidance services and trainers who are experienced in training guidance practitioners
Languages: EN/all EU languages
“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the National Agency and Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein” Ref. 2021-1-RO01-KA220-VET-000025260