R2 Digital Competence Training for VET Teachers & Trainers

Support  VET Innovation & Digitalization
Give your digital competences a boost
Find inspiration for your digital resources
6 training modules & inspirational examples for VET 
4 languages


Inspired by DigCompEdu      Tailored for VET     All on one page  
Micro-credit approach    Self-paced     Mobile-friendly   Free   


Training Modules

Module 1
professional engagement

Implicarea profesională în organizațiile VET

Using digital technologies for communication, collaboration
and professional development is crucial to support VET institutional development and learning.

Organisational communication 

Professional collaboration

Digital CPD in VET organizations

Module 2

Digital Resources for VET Teaching & Learning

Choosing and responsibly using digital resources, while adapting them to the needs of their target groups and ensure their relevance, correctness, actuality, and attractiveness requires a broad set of skills, which, in their turn, need to be continuously updated and developed.

Selecting digital resources for VET

Creating and adapting to VET

Responsible use of resources

Module 3

Blended Learning: blended learning that winks at technology

Blended learning (literally blended learning) is the approach to training that is based on the use of different tools that are integrated and combined, alternating between presence and distance, to promote and stimulate learning processes.

Blended learning methodologies

Story-telling & gamification

Adapt methods to learning context

Module 4

Assessment as a competence in the DigCompEDU Framework 

The application of digital technologies allow VET providers in gathering & managing large clusters of data at relative low-effort commitment.

Assesment strategies 

Analysing evidence

Feed-back & planning

Module 5

Empowering learners as a competence in the DigCompEDU Framework 

The empowerment of learners  by  the implementation of digital technologies gets triggered by activating means, resources and strategies that are beneficial to:

Accessibility & inclusion 

Differentiation & personalization

Active engagement of learners

Module 6

Facilitating learners’ digital competences in the DigCompEDU Framework 

Students’ digital competences benefit from their direct involvement in digital education settings. 

Information & media literacy 

Content creation & responsible use

Communication / Problem solving


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